Hose Replacement - Sergeant Clutch Certified Engine & Transmission Repair Shop in San Antonio, Texas offers complete Hose Replacement Services for Cars, Trucks, and Suvs. Our mechanics understand auto hoses play an important role in the smooth operation of the automobiles engine, air conditioning and cooling systems.
Failure to adhere to the vehicles manufacturer recommended hose replacement schedule can result in car or truck breaking down.
Sergeant Clutch Certified Engine & Transmission Repair Shop services all auto hose needs from:
- Brake Hoses
- Coolant Hoses
- Heater Hoses
- Fuel Line Hoses
- Hose Clamps
- Hose Fittings
- Radiator Hoses
- Vacuum Hoses
- Transmission Oil Hoses
San Antonio driving conditions such as heat can contribute to the wear and tear of automobile hoses. Having problems with your hoses include the presence of coolant, fluid, oil, sweet smell in the air, dashboard light warnings, engine overheating, engine temperature hot.
Coolant hoses include the upper radiator hose, the lower radiator hose and heater hoses. Hoses provide a flexible connection for coolant flow between the engine and the radiator and the engine and the heating block. Sergeant Clutch recommends you have your vehicle hoses checked at least twice a year.